
Saturday, March 31, 2012

Bella Loves Ramon

Ramon's Village
One of the landmarks of San Pedro is Ramon's Village located, as you soon learn by scores of signs around the island, about 200 yards south of the Tropic Air terminal. In fact, the first sign you see when you leave the baggage area is a large lighted sign (a rarity here) advertising Ramon's Village. I have heard that Ramon's is presently owned by a corporation in Texas that makes billboards, a statement I haven't verified. It certainly would explain all of the signs, however.

Regardless, Ramon's is gorgeous. It is beautifully manicured and maintained, and the guests lying on the beach seem to be content. I've never eaten in the restaurant myself, but I can assure you that the doggy bag "the girls" brought me had some mighty delicious food in it. No complaints there. And the thatched cottages are downright cute. In short, it's a great place to stay.

Beach at Boca del Rio Park
But what I like about Ramon's is their community spirit. Hardly any worthy cause is celebrated here without Ramon's donating something to help make the event successful. This week Ramon's "adopted" a park by the cut separating the north and south parts of the island. "Boca del Rio" is a beautiful location, but, frankly, the park area presently looks pretty rundown. The playground equipment is beat up and scary looking, and the basketball courts are rough. I mean, I wouldn't be comfortable letting my puppies play there. So I'm really excited to see that someone who cares about San Pedro is going to take care of it! Thanks, guys and gals! A lot of folks here appreciate what you're doing.

Central Prison, Hattiesville
From the "I-Don't-Make-These-Things-Up Department": It was bad enough for 24-year-old Derrick W. in mid-February when he was arrested in San Pedro for burglary. But it got worse when he escaped from the custody of the arresting officer even though he was handcuffed. On March 17th Derrick plead guilty to the additional charges of escape and theft. He was sentenced to six months confinement in the Belize Central Prison for the escape, and an additional three months confinement for theft--of the handcuffs.

Medical update: The bruise on Shelley's upper arm is as big as, and slightly resembles, the State of Wisconsin. But she is mending and wants me to thank everyone for their prayers. A big Thank You!

Only three days till Grandma Jane gets here. She's bringing treats. Whoo-HOO! Faithful readers may also send me treats if they care to, or just make a donation to Saga Humane Society here in San Pedro. Learn more at . And now that I'm feeling so community minded, I may just treat myself to "Ladies' Night" at Wet Willy's. What the heck!

Y'all come visit. We'll tour the island, check out the park, and, who knows, maybe go to Wet Willy's ladies' night-- or not. You're gonna love Belize! 

Friday, March 30, 2012

Bella Does Spring Break

In the Rafters
The population of Belize is made up of an interesting mixture of ethnic groups including Creole and Garifuna (African origins), Mestizo (mixture of Spanish and indigenous groups), Chinese, East Indians, Arab and Europeans. Belizeans are outgoing, friendly, intelligent, and generally happy. To this mix, we now add "Spring Breakers." Yes, folks, it's not quite Easter yet, but it's time for the wild and crazy gringos to hit San Pedro!
Bruce from Arkansas

A lot of folks thought they wouldn't be able to get away from home for Spring Break because of the high cost of airfare and accommodations. But travel to the Bahamas had an astonishing 57% jump from last year, and Belize posted a huge gain of 83%. I'm telling you, Belize is the hot place to be!

Checking out the drugs!
That is not to say that all has been fun and games around our house! Shelley is mending from her fall the other night, but there's a lot of pain involved. Tom devised a chart of which medications for her to take at which times. Too bad there isn't one big pill that will do everything. When the pain medication does kick in, Shelley forgets she has a broken shoulder and thinks she can still do everything. Today she supervised workmen putting a new ceiling in the master bathroom, met the guy with the paint samples for the wicker furniture two times, and talked with three other people who came just to visit. (I've been watching to make sure Tom isn't dipping into the codeine.)

Don't think Tom is sitting at home all the time that Shelley is home mending. He has increased mobility now that he has his Schwinn Hurricane Cruiser. Please notice:
1. There is no basket on the front of the bicycle.
2. When a basket is attached, I am not getting in it. I have seen Tom riding his new big-boy bike! Surprisingly, he isn't that bad, but he's nearly driven into the Caribbean twice now. (That scare involving the pedestrian really wasn't his fault.)

If you haven't made your Spring Break plans yet, get on down here. Give Shelley enough pain pills and she'll be happy to show you around! 

Y'all come visit. We'll cruise around on the "cruiser," then find some hot spots! You're gonna love Belize! 

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Bella Has a Scare

Tuesday morning, 5 o'clock. Shelley got out of bed, tripped on something, and fell forward onto the tile floor. She struck the floor with her left hand, then hit on her right forearm and shoulder. It was horrible!  Tom and I awoke to screams of pain.
Golf Cart Drive-Through Pharmacy
It took 14 hours before we were finished with going to two x-ray facilities, two pharmacies, and seeing four doctors. The result of the fall was bad bruising to the hand, a dislocated shoulder (you better believe it's painful) and a fracture to the upper part of the humerus, the arm bone. Upon the recommendation of our doctors here in San Pedro, and after a very rough night, Tom and Shelley went the next morning to the local airport for a flight to see an orthopedic doctor in a private clinic in Belize City. (I stayed home to guard.) The prognosis included an operation and the insertion of a pin at the fracture point.
Shelley on Pain Medication
Iguana in the Hospital Parking Lot
They told me the flight on Maya Air was fine, the taxi ride to Belize Healthcare Partners was short, and Dr. Andre Sosa was great! The arm bone was back in its socket and the fracture would heal within six weeks with the use of an arm brace. No operation would be necessary. Praise the Lord! And they were so impressed with the quality of care and the knowledge of the doctor and staff alike. Total cost for the medication, x-rays, and seeing the doctor was about $87 USD.The round-trip airfare was $65 USD per person.

There are smaller airplanes than the one Tom and Shelley used to return to San Pedro, but not much smaller. Fortunately, the flight is only about 15 minutes long. Tom and Shelley are really, really tired. Shelley was given some very strong medication to help her sleep at night, and all of us hope it works. (Tom was sore after riding his new bicycle the other day, but no one really seems to care.)
Return Flight from Belize City
We stayed at home tonight and ate pizza!

For those of you who pray, and we know there are a lot of you, your prayers are very much appreciated. Everyone here is believing for a rapid recovery. My Grandma Jane is coming from Missouri to help out. Shelley is grateful for that. Tom is really grateful for that.

Y'all come visit. We'll sit in the front yard, watch the boats, and let our bones heal. You're gonna love Belize!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Bella Tries Swimming

Yesterday morning was a bit confusing. We walked to the 10:45am service at the church that meets directly over Moncho's Golf Cart Rentals right next to the San Pedro Airport. The place was packed. That means almost all the 30 seats were full. Our friend Anna who was supposed to meet us wasn't there, so, after ten minutes, Shelley left the service and went back downstairs to check on her. That was the end of Shelley's church-going for the day! Hmmm.

Sunday Morning. More tourists arriving.

We didn't see Shelley outside when church was over, so Tom and I walked back home to help get pick things up in preparation for the two o'clock luncheon planned for Karen, Anna and her kids Markitos and Diane, Jason, and Mario. Surprise, again. Shelley wasn't at the house, either. We started making the bed, doing a few dishes, and picking things up for the get-together. 

Around 1:30, I started running the accident/hospital scenarios through my mind. Tom still doesn't have a local phone (by choice), but we figured someone would contact us if there had been a major problem. Out of desperation, Tom and I started eating some scraps of cheese and bread in the refrigerator since we had no authorization to eat the delicious food that had been earmarked for lunch. (Nobody wanted to actually go to the clinic to check on accident victims.) 

"No problem, mon, no problem." Just before two o'clock, Anna with her children, and Shelley sauntered in. We learned that Anna had been late getting to church, and so they decided it would be better to go with the kids to Estel's for a lovely brunch on the beach than to interrupt the church service. A long brunch, I might add. Since Shelley had already prepared lunch ahead of time, I was surprised to see them carrying in bags of groceries, but I'm always grateful for a good supply of food on hand.

Soon the other guests began to arrive, and we had a houseful. Though Shelley wasn't hungry (hah!), she set out chicken salad (alongside the delicious barracuda fishcakes that Karen brought) and watermelon slices.Five year-old Markitos entertained, endlessly, particularly with a spirited dance which accompanied his version of "dem bones, dem bones, dem dry bones!" Another delightful afternoon on the island!

Give me a break!
Afterwards, I decided to join everyone on the beach out front and try a little swimming myself. Well, that was a mistake! When I hit the water, it felt like an electroshock! Cold, wet, salty. Next time I'll just stay on the beach. Besides, after you go swimming, they make you take a bath anyway. What's with that? An hour later I was bathed and dried and combed, but I'm not going swimming again anytime soon. I'll leave that to Allison who is coming to visit. She is looking forward to some ocean swimming in preparation for her next Ironman competition. Don't worry, I'll warn her they're gonna make her take a bath afterwards anyway.

Allison will probably want to meet Anna's husband Mark. He owns "Mark's Personalized Tours" and is the go-to guy for those cave diving and hiking and other "physical" adventures I am happy to pass up. Go to, Allison, for more information.

So what was all that other food for? Well, we had more company expected later, so Anna, a professional chef, had decided to make dinner for everyone!  We were joined in the evening by Rosie and Gladys and Anna's husband Mark (who was just returning from a cave diving tour on the mainland.) Plus, most of the other luncheon guests decided to stay as well. After all, Anna is a great cook! Stewed chicken, rice and beans, plantains, and cabbage salad made for one terrific and authentic Belizean dinner.
Our front yard

All in all, it was a wonderful Sunday in San Pedro. Except for the swimming part, I think I can get used to living here quite easily. Y'all come visit. We'll lie on the beach--that's better--and visit with new friends, then go visit a Mayan Temple with Mark. You're gonna love Belize!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Bella Does the Sunset Cruise

Yesterday was yet another hectic day in our tropical paradise. Just when I thought I could sleep in following my adventures at sea the day before, a crew of men came in and took away most of our furniture to clean and repaint it. (Blame Shelley who is constantly changing things up!) I'm trying to learn not to bark at every moving object, but a bunch of movers first thing in the morning? C'mon!

The "Lady Leslie"
Well, another day at sea was planned. Friends invited us to go with them on a sunset cruise. Just before five o'clock in the afternoon, the "Lady Leslie" pulled up to our dock, and Captain Martin Leslie, his son Jodi, and his "future son-in-law" Ricky graciously invited us on board. (Talk about convenience!) Seven guests in all were soon ready for a quiet sail aboard the 38' catamaran. 
A genteel time. Pip pip!

Minutes after we left the dock, five dolphins swam over and played with us as we headed out to sea. It could have been a Disney movie. (What a contrast to the cruise on "No Rush" the day before!)

Sunset on the Caribbean
During the four-hour cruise we were served chips and dip, sushi, conch fritters, and coconut tarts. Although it may have been time for tea, the beverages included Funky Monkeys, Rum Punch, and Jello shots--all served tastefully, of course.  At precisely 6:13 pm, Captain Martin navigated to the perfect spot, the countdown began, and the sun set--spectacularly. Ah, another wonderful memory.

I adore teatime!

You can get more information about "Lady Leslie" and all it has to offer at It's a perfect venue for weddings, I promise.

Well, it's time to get ready for church. Afterwards friends are coming for lunch. I hope they don't notice there's no furniture. 

Y'all come visit. We'll have tea or a Jello shot and admire the sunset. You're gonna love Belize!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Bella Hits the High Seas

Yesterday, in honor or Taff's 40th birthday, seven guys and I set sail on the good ship "No Rush"! (Although I was the only female, I was allowed to attend solely as a journalist observer.) Making up for the estrogen imbalance which occurred  when "the girls" visited last week, testosterone ruled on this adventure. It was "guys' night out" on steroids. 

Captain Steve
First, "the crew."  Captain Steve and First Mate Roy (aka Reggae) are very serious about showing their guests a good time. They navigated, cooked, gave plenty of information, and even hosted a spirited game of dominoes. And if you think dominoes is a docile childhood game, think again.

Next, "the guys." The first three, Jock from Scotland, Kevin from England, and Taff (rhymes with cough) from Wales have known each other for a lot of years and have been on "No Rush" before. Added to the "United Kingdom" mix was Richard from Ireland, a pilot getting in a ton of commercial hours flying with Tropic Air. (Think about this: the Scots, English, Welsh, and Irish have been fighting each other for centuries, yet these guys were having the time of their life together. There's a lesson in there somewhere.)
"Reggae" cutting conch.

Three Americans were also on board: Orion from Southern California (a diver who has been coming to Belize since he was five years old), Jason from Colorado (whom I've told you about previously), and, of course,Tom. (Unlike Tom, Orion has the ability to hold his breath for 5 1/2 minutes and free dive to 90 feet.)

Taff holding lunch.
We sailed (that's real sailing, not motoring) for about an hour and a half to the south of Ambergris Caye, then stopped for swimming, snorkeling, and fishing. There was plenty of beer on board plus the ever-present rum punch. A highlight for me occurred when Richard yelled to Tom from the boat that there was a shark swimming next to him. Tom laughed good-naturedly until he saw the shark, then started swimming quite a bit faster back to the boat then you would have thought possible! Oh, sure, nurse sharks are harmless. Right. Let's see how you like having one three feet away. 
Me, trying to fit in.

After we anchored, Steve and Orion went diving for conch, the principle ingredient of the ceviche that Reggae later prepared with chips and pineapple slices. Then came the freshly-caught snapper, fried potatoes and onions, and rice and beans. Add a few Belikins and you have a man's meal! Yarrr! Those boys ate like kings. By the way, those fish were big!

Next, we were off to the reef to watch (key word: watch) the big sharks. The sharks, who have played this game before, swam alongside eating the chum and our leftovers. They were happy, and we were happy. Peace and love to all. We sailed back to Ambergris Caye arriving about 4:30pm. After a few more drinks at the dockside bar, we headed home, exhausted and happy. Tom was asleep by six o'clock. What a day.

Softball Team Victory Parade
Now, for you sports buffs, please take note that the San Pedro High School Boys' softball team were named the Belize 2012′s National High School Softball Competition champions. According to the San Pedro Sun, it’s an historic win for SPHS, who, for the first time ever, have won their first national championship in any sporting discipline. One contributing factor, I think, was the San Pedro pitcher beaning four St. John's players in the third inning! Soft balls ain't that soft, boys!

Sunrise in front of our house this morning.

Y'all come visit. We'll sail on a catamaran and eat fresh conch ceviche, or maybe just hit the ol' softball around. You're gonna love Belize!

Friday, March 23, 2012

Bella Loves Birthday Parties

Rob and Krista welcomed us to "The Snack Shack" at San Pedro's Fitness Club for Karl's (you know, "Pineapple Willy") surprise birthday party yesterday afternoon. Martine, his wife, and her accomplices kept the surprise from Karl by telling him there was a signboard being thrown out.  But if he took a golf cart over to "The Snack Shack" right away, he could pick up the sign and cart it home. Well, there was no signboard when he arrived, but there were a lot of close friends plus a wonderful lunch and drinks. Who doesn't love a surprise party!

Divide by two for the U.S. price
The paninis were out of this world! My favorite was the barbecued chicken one served with fresh pineapple, papaya, and watermelon slices. And, of course, CAKE!  My, oh my! For future reference, I copied the Snack Shack menu. The place is small, but  the food is impressive! We are blessed that Rob and Krista left Ohio to join us on Ambergris Caye. And, by the way, I'm sure the Buckeyes beat Cincinnati 81-66 because Krista was wearing her Buckeye jersey even though it was pretty hot here in Belize yesterday!


Dinner at Home
Dinner at home last night with friends was something to brag about, also. Shrimp Alfredo, Caesar salad, garlic bread, and cheese cake. A nice, quiet, tropical evening. Wish you were here! And that's no joke.

Ten of us are preparing for a voyage tomorrow (well, on Friday) on the 36-foot "No Rush." We meet at the dock just before 9am with our sunblock, hats, snorkel gear, and other requisite touristy stuff for a day trip to Caye Caulker. Swimming, fishing, eating, drinking, and reveling will all be done to celebrate yet another birthday, this time for "Taff" from Wales who is turning the Big 4-0! In lieu of presents, Taff has graciously encouraged us to pay for our own passage ($75 USD) for the day-long catamaran trip. What a guy. But it should be a blast. Personally, I don't require sunblock, but I shall be wearing my floppy hat.

We are sad to learn that our friend Jason is headed back to Colorado for the next few months. Well, most of us are sad. In fact, Tom appears to be quite happy that Jason is leaving. He has been wheeling and dealing with Jason for days to "store" Jason's bicycle and camera and fishing equipment, et cetera.  Let us pray that Jason has a safe trip and that Tom will not seriously injure himself on a big-boy bike. It has been a few years. 
And, finally, in the I'm-Not-Sure-I-Should-Be-Promoting-This Department, the first annual San Pedro Poker Open, a series of tournaments and cash games, will be held over Easter weekend at Pedro’s Inn in San Pedro, Belize. Rumor has it that World Series of Poker "November Nine" finalist Bob Bounahra will be in attendance and playing at both tournaments. The series begins Saturday, April 7th at 5pm. Rumor also has it that I may be one of the "hostesses." I have some previous experience.

Y'all come visit. We can hang out on a catamaran or just eat lots of wonderful food and laugh at Tom as he tries to ride a bike in San Pedro traffic. You're gonna love Belize!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Bella Gets Healthy

In an on-going effort to answer the questions of my faithful readers, I set out to investigate some of the healthier aspects of San Pedro. Though not as self-satisfying as scrutinizing the inner workings of, say, "The Chicken Drop," I do have a responsibility to my public. So here's a little info for . . . well, you know who you are.

The ugly truth is, San Pedro does not have an abundance of fresh produce. Unlike the grocery stores you see in the United States or Canada, the "produce section" here may have just a few potatoes, onions, and tomatoes. I asked why more produce isn't grown locally, and the shocking answer was that the farmers can't afford to grow local crops. Why? Because people steal the crops from the fields! In order to grow the tomatoes or watermelons or whatever, the farmer has to hire full-time security personnel. Seriously. ("Back away from my melons, or I'll shoot!") 

But fear not, o healthy ones. There are alternatives, even if they tend to be a little expensive. "goNature," located on Coconut Drive next to the Belize Yacht Club, has a large selection of organic, vegetarian, and gluten-free products.(Full Disclosure Alert: Belize Yacht Club is not, and never was, a yacht club. It does have a nice dock, however.) For readers who live in Ambergris Caye, Taz at goNature will accommodate special orders from her mainland supplier whenever possible.

This is Maria.
Just down the street from goNature is Maria's Fruit and Vegetable Stand. This place is phenomenal if you're into fresh fruit and vegetables. (Full Disclosure Alert: Personally, I'm not into fresh fruit and vegetables, although I adore potato chips.) They have a wider selection of fresh produce than in the grocery stores, and they will even cut up the pineapples for you. That may not sound like a big deal to you until you've actually stood at your kitchen counter trying to cut up a pineapple. It's not pretty.)

And, finally, don't forget "The Greenhouse" which I have talked about previously. It's in town on Middle Street across from the big whiskey bottle sign. Just ask.

Speaking of good health, Tom had to go to the clinic the other day to get some prescription medicine refills. Have you ever had that experience where the receptionist asks why you want to see the doctor, then a nurse checks your vital signs and asks, "What are you here for today?" And then, finally, when you see the doctor, he says, "How may I help you?" Don't these people ever talk to each other? (I guess I'm grumpy because they made me wait outside the building, but still!) 

At one point, Dr. Z. asked Tom if he were a father, and Tom looked a little puzzled. After all, that's a curious question when all you want is a prescription refill. Maybe you're supposed to notify your children if the doctor decides not to refill the prescription? Dr. Z. said, "No, I mean, are you a priest?" Tom said, "No, but I'm a good listener if you need to confess anything." That Tom. He's a real riot. 

And now to all my readers, healthy and non-healthy alike. Here's some great info on cheap(er) flights to Belize! (Check out for more information. And thanks, Cindy!)
Orlando, FL (MCO) $419 RT Includes all taxes, Travel May only American
Washington, D.C. (IAD) $419 RT Includes all taxes, Travel May only American
Washington, D.C. (DCA) $419 RT Includes all taxes, Travel May only American
Los Angeles, CA (LAX) $528 RT Spring travel, including taxes Taca
San Francisco, CA (SFO) $528 RT Spring travel, including taxes Taca
Dallas, TX (DFW) $545 RT Nonstop incl. all taxes, Travel May only American
Miami, FL (MIA) $545 RT Nonstop incl. all taxes, Travel May only American
Austin, TX (AUS) $576 RT Includes all taxes, Travel May only Delta
San Antonio, TX (SAT) $606 RT Includes all taxes, Travel May only American, United
Oklahoma City, OK (OKC) $609 RT Includes all taxes, Travel May only American, United
Portland, OR (PDX) $632 RT Includes all taxes, Travel May only Delta
San Diego, CA (SAN) $632 RT Includes all taxes, Travel May only Delta
Boston, MA (BOS) $639 RT Includes all taxes, Travel May only Delta
Nashville, TN (BNA) $644 RT Includes all taxes, Travel May only Delta
Hartford, CT (BDL) $646 RT Includes all taxes, Travel May only Delta
Raleigh, NC (RDU) $646 RT Includes all taxes, Travel May only Delta
Tampa, FL (TPA) $646 RT Includes all taxes, Travel May only Delta
Chicago, IL (ORD) $654 RT Includes all taxes, Travel May only Delta

San Francisco, CA (SFO) $656 RT Includes all taxes, Travel May only American

Golfer Alert: Here's another scoop directly from The new hotel on the north part of the island, cleverly called "The Hotel" and scheduled to open in six to eight weeks, will have a putting green and driving range. Hey, it's a start!

Y'all come visit. We'll whip up a batch of gluten-free peanut butter cookies and maybe try to dissect a pineapple, then go snorkeling. You're gonna love Belize!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Bella Attempts Critter Control

In late November 2011, Shelley wrote to Tom and me from Belize while we were still in Texas:
"I rode over 5 miles on my new bike today!  Somebody, give me a medal!  It's a hot pink Beach Cruzer, and I look like Grandma Barbie on it, but I love it!  I rode two and a half miles to town, loaded up the basket with groceries, then rode the two and a half miles back."   
Shelley, who hadn't been on a bicycle for at least 25 years, repeated the trip for another two days and that's when she discovered, unfortunately, that bike riding wasn't her thing. She was immobile, in bed, for the next four days with a severely bruised tailbone and a sore rear end. (She likes to remind us that the dirt roads into town hadn't been graded, and then you hit the cobblestones. Poor Shelley).  Anyhow, you can understand why I had a few concerns when she dusted off the pink stallion this morning to have another go at it. 

The good news is that our new condo is practically in town. Even though I made a point of not riding in the basket (nor even being anywhere near her and the bike), I admit she did pretty well this time. She kept the distance to about a mile, and still seems to be able to walk--at least for now. We'll keep you informed.

Critter Alert #1.  Our friend Karen lives north of us just past the ultra-chic Phoenix Hotel. She's one of those folks who gets up at dawn and jumps in the Caribbean for a brisk swim. (Faithful readers may recall that I got up once--at Tom's insistence--to see the sunrise, and that satisfied any early-rising instincts I may have had.)  Anyhow, a security guy hollered at Karen this morning, "Don't go in the water. There's a bull shark!"  
Bull Shark. Yikes!

At first, she thought he was referring to a wounded, docile, slowly-recovering shark, which has been in nearby waters for over a year. That guy doesn't bother anyone. But this was a new guy, the kind that likes to bump their potential prey. Look out for these bad boys. They have a thick body, gray on top and white below, with that tell-tale short, blunt snout. Some people say they're the most dangerous sharks in the world. My Uncle Trey should know. He met up with a bull shark several years years ago while diving with his father. And, talk about too close for comfort, Trey actually punched that shark in the snout! Now, there's something that deserves a medal!

It's a peccary, silly.
Critter Alert #2.  The northern end of Ambergris Caye is home to wildlife not generally seen in town. There are peccaries, raccoons, and white-tailed deer, and some locals have even reported seeing jaguars (not to be confused with the nightclub in town called "Jaguar's"). Months previously, Shelley made a quality decision that she wasn't going to live far north on the island when she heard about a boa constrictor on the loose, and a bounty being offered to anyone who could catch it!

Well, anyway, we are town folks, and so it is with some dismay that I learned a family of five to seven raccoons is living behind our condo. Apparently, they didn't get the "stay in the north end" memo. I have enough trouble patrolling the beach in the front yard and the dive shop in the backyard without having to bark all night long at racoons! No wonder I have to sleep so much during the day. By the way, when Holly was here she had her picture taken with a local who was walking (yes, on a leash) his pet raccoon!  

My Secret Deli
Shelley, Karen, and I had a late lunch today at "My Secret Deli," a place the permanent residents know about and love. Located on Caribena Street between Middle and Back Streets, it was voted this year's "Best Local Deli." Oscar, the owner, was delightful and opened the door for us although three o'clock is their closing time. He even joined us later at the other end of the table. The fried chicken is just like your grandmother's, or, how she thought she cooked it! Delicious. Big portions of Belizean food at extraordinary low prices, this is one of those spots you'll miss unless you're looking for it. If you want to try local food, it's a great place to go.

Here's a shout out to our newest follower, Tracy H. Per your request, the local food review was aimed right at you!

Y'all come visit. We'll hunt down sharks and peccaries and raccoons and secret restaurants, then go for a long bike ride. Or maybe we'll just walk on the beach. You're gonna love Belize!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Bella Gets Fruity

Pineapple Willy and Peseto
Off we went last night to Crazy Canucks, about 200 yards down the beach from our house, to hear "Pineapple Willy and the Heat." 

An elementary school principal?
We met up with Martine, Willy's wife, and her best friend Denice, the principal of Ambergris Caye Elementary School known as ACES. (Try to imagine your elementary school principal in a place like "Crazy Canucks"!) Also taking up barstool space were Kevin from London and Taff (rhymes with cough) from Wales who soon shall become island legends. They repeatedly asked about my aunts, Holly and Honey, who recently visited. Tom was repeatedly annoyed.

By the way, Friday is Karl's birthday (Karl is Pineapple Willy's real name), and there's going to be a surprise party for him at Canucks. Don't be alarmed: Karl is electronically challenged and will never see the announcements here or on Facebook. Tell your friends.

Afterwards, Tom and Kevin and Taff and I went a short golf cart ride away to Average Joe's for "Blues Monday." (Faithful readers will recall the rocking band "All Cayed Up"--and please say "key," not "kay.") That's were we met shy and reserved Tracy and Nyla from Grand Prairie, Alberta, Canada. Both women promised to remember the name of my blog and I promised to merely mention, not embarrass, them. I could identify them in much greater detail, but I'm sure the Grand Prairie banking and realty industries would be shocked if I did. 

Here's a snippet from the Alberta Province anthem.
"Snow-covered mountain tops,
Wheat fields and canola crops . . . ."
Doesn't that make you yearn to be back home in Alberta?

Guanabana (or guanaba or soursop)
Now to the fruit part: A few days ago our friend Obby bought us some guanabana juice from a street vendor. It was mixed with sugar and crushed ice, and it was delicious. Guanabana is also known as "soursop" which is a new buzz word for healthy-juice-that-cures-everything-including-cancer-but-the FDA-won't-let-us-say-that. I don't know about the health benefits, but it sure does taste good.

Backyard Noni Fruit
By the way, we have a noni tree growing in our back yard. The fruit is foul-smelling and sticky, and I seriously doubt there will ever be any commercial use for it unless there's some kind of multi-level distribution or something like that! Oh well, there are plenty of people who swear by it and make a ton of money marketing it.

Here's a shout out to our readers around the world--literally. We  have lots of daily hits in Russia. Who knew! A big thank you to them and all of you in cold places. We have had over 3,050 page views since January 17th, and readership is growing fast. Tell your friends. (I know, it sounds like I'm begging, but that's what dogs do.)

Y'all come visit. We'll go to Crazy Canucks for Pineapple Willy's birthday party and drink guanabana juice (or maybe just say "guanabana juice"). You're gonna love Belize!